Form Cracker



Form Cracker plans to support distribution, https authentication, more protocols like ftp, a j2me version and an Android version.
- Username/Password field check. (done)
- Automatic field recognition. (done)
- Set the number of threads and/or the number of tries to stop. (currently working on)
- Add proxy support.

Version Log:

29/11/08 -Version 0.1.3 changes: Automatic field recognition.
28/11/08 -Version 0.1.2 changes: Username/Password field check done.
27/11/08 -Version 0.1.1 changes: the text displayed when the application starts and add more detailed comments on the source code.
25/11/08 -Version 0.1 cames out after 3 days of development.

For bugs, notices, questions, comments and anything else, follow this link.